Friday, February 1, 2008

Kudos, Montel!

Damn, hosts of Fox and Friends got served by Montel Williams last Saturday morning. The ex-marine lectured hosts of the Fox show on how idiotic it was they focussed so much time and media on the Heath Ledger death as if it were some sort of national crisis or disaster, especially when a REAL tragedy is happening in Iraq with little or no news coverage. (a record being 37 deaths just this month in Iraq!)

This video footage is a rarity to see on cable TV, but it definitely shows just how much American news has turned into nonsense and tabloid material produced to keep the American demographic happy in their warm comfortable homes, making sure they keep in mind "old news is boring to Americans" and to "show them something more interesting like the death of a celebrity or which pop star is pregnant." Because that's what really sets the ratings high! I'm just glad somebody, even if it was Montel Williams, said something about it on national television. And word is, Montel even lost his contract over it. To me, well fucking worth it, fucking Fox Network cock-suckers. This is why I HATE television.

Kudos, Montel Williams, kudos.