Tuesday, December 18, 2007

An Excerpt From the Original Wicked Ways '01

So I went nostalgia shopping in my basement earlier tonight for old pictures to use in an art project I was intending to start. Instead, I was reeled into reading my old diaries from when I was younger. I entitled my diaries, "The Wicked Ways of Miss Hysteria" volumes 1-3. They date all the way to 1997! After re-reading them, I realized my grammar and spelling were quite horrible when I was 13 and gradually improved throughout the years. This is the very first page of Volume 3 (my later years). I didn't realize how weird I was. Here goes:

July 2001
"As our minds fill with negative images, we are left lying in the darkness of our own heads. Our hearts swim in a glass we call life. It sits next to our bed each night. Because we let this happen, our dreams get smashed against the wall, only to be seen at a mere few feet away. But only time will tell. Soon these negative images after time haunt our dreams, which are placed so abruptly on that wall. They distort true reality, based on your own personal spirituality. The human's television mind, body and soul will soon speak with it's mouth full of shit. You're given what what they sold you, which seems to be your only true grasp on the concept of life. Nobody really wants to be a junkie, we all just fall into the gaps of what the man tricks us into thinking is happiness. We're slaves within the walls of our own personal prison, those walls being slowly built up, soon blinding us to the outside. But in the meantime, we sit back, relax, be happy, consume, lie, cheat, vote, pretend to love, ask for forgiveness and sleep. Then when time ticks for too long, those walls soon become too large to tear down. This is when we bury ourselves deep inside the minds we wish we didn't have, as we cry for help on one hot fucking summer afternoon."

-Me, age 17

1 comment:

laura said...

these are awesome. AWESOME! the only diaries i can find are from fifth grade and they are all about jonathan taylor thomas.